Until Christmas - ADVENTICA Advent Calendar
1st December. Morning. I catch myself pressing the snooze button on my phone for the third time.
I'm browsing. As always. Everyone is still asleep, and I'm trying to convince myself that I'm still dozing, too, even though my head is already churning with all sorts of thoughts and mixing them up like a recipe.
I wake up as I always do - in the dark. I slip into the bath. Brushing my teeth, washing...
I put the kettle on and make some tea. For everyone. A different one for everyone. In different cups. As always.
I hear the children's alarm clocks going off and they go back to snooze mode. And again, and again. Time to get everybody up and about.
As I walk towards the children's room, I suddenly realise that we have a visit from the Advent lady. There are those beautiful candles again, those lovely and pretty linen bags again. Carefully numbered, beautifully stapled... Some gifts, some tasks...
Children eating breakfast before school and kindergarten. Who's having what: cinnamon rolls, cottage cheese...
We leave on time and all are delivered to their learning points on time. I come home and think...
If we've already got our Advent calendar, can Daddy Jurgis make one for you too? Well, maybe not. A simpler one... Virtual. It's fashionable these days. Some days are boxes with tasks, others with little gifts, others with wishes...
Do you want to look forward to each day the way we do here at home? Every morning?
Sometimes, the tasks or gifts in the Advent calendar will be in the morning... Sometimes during the day, during lunch, sometimes in the evening. But what difference does it make when, if you wait?...
In a word, drop by. Visit the ADVENTICA Family Amusement Park Facebook account. There's the Advent calendar. For me, for you, for us, for everyone. Sometimes for the faster, sometimes for the more creative. And sometimes for the one who is more attentive.
From 1 December to 24 December inclusive, as my accountant says. Every day something new. After all, EVERYTHING IS A GAME!