Is it safe to visit attraction parks?
We, ADVENTICA, as family entertainment centers' (FECs) operators, have a professional interest both in safe operational environment of the parks as well as medical research on the issue. On a periodic basis we do read and analyze various researches and investigations on safety of theme parks. Recent article "COVID-19 transmission in a theme-park" suggests us that we do implement many COVID-19 mitigation measures from periodic cleaning and dissinfection to distances between employees and visitors. Let us share several conclusions we found out in the research.
As COVID-19 vaccination coverage increases, public health and industries are contemplating re-opening measures of public spaces, including theme-parks. To re-open, theme-parks must provide public health mitigation plans. Questions on implementation of public health mitigation strategies such as park cleaning, COVID-19 testing, and enforcement of social distancing and the wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the park remain.
Reasearch shows that theme-park public health mitigation must include mechanisms that reduce virus contamination of the environment to ensure that workers and visitors are protected from COVID-19 transmission in the park. Thus, cleaning rates and mitigation of human-environment contact increases in importance.
- Cleaning of the rides and queues (and other areas of the park),symptom testing at the gate, and mask wearing and hand-washing within the park represent mitigation strategies that a theme-park can adopt to decrease the risk of transmission of the virus
- The cleaning rate becomes the most important control mechanism for COVID-19 spread
- The wearing of medical masks in the park should remain a top priority
- During a visit to the park, individuals directly contact individuals over very short periods of time during their short visit to the park, the probability of transmitting the virus between humans is small.
Further reading in the link.